TABC Being Looked at for Partying on Your Dime
TABC knows how to party. And, it seems, they know how to make us pay for it.
Texas Tribune.org is reporting that Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) brass went to a boozy junket in San Diego in 2015. To celebrate it, they took the time, and your money, to create the above picture to brag. Hey, at least they're suckin' down Lone Star.
Since power corrupts, is it really that much of a shock that TABC feels they can fly off to liqueur conventions on our dime. The little trip to San Diego cost us $8,000. A few years before, according to records, they charged Texans $10,000 to send four people to their annual conference at the Sheraton Waikiki in Honolulu.
The Tribune also is reporting that this past year, the conference in Austin was accused of not getting the proper alcohol permit while serving booze in it's own hospitality room. The launched an investigation on themselves, but they determined there was no wrongdoing. What are the odds? Guess this is a more of a "Do as we say, not as we do" type of organization.
Might need to look at some type of regulatory commission on this, or I need to apply for a job.
When I first came to Texas, I did a remote where I mentioned some type of drinks. I was immediately taken off the air and lectured about what we can and can't say on the air about booze. I thought it was a joke, but the business I was broadcasting from complained. They were deathly afraid of the TABC. Every restaurant/bar is afraid of them, because they control the booze. Piss them off, you might as well close your doors. If you think that sounds like too much power for one organization, you just may be right.