Phrases Texans Heard As A Child That Still Haunt Them To This DayPhrases Texans Heard As A Child That Still Haunt Them To This DayPlaying in traffic sounded fun when we were young, but now as an adult we understand why we were told that! Yikes.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Modern Day Phrases Texans Wish Would DisappearModern Day Phrases Texans Wish Would DisappearSerious question: What does ‘Look it’ even mean and why do I use it so much?! Iris LopezIris Lopez
Tech Infused Upscale Mini Golf Bar Opening 2 Texas Locations SoonTech Infused Upscale Mini Golf Bar Opening 2 Texas Locations SoonThe world's first and only upscale, tech-infused mini golf experience is invading Texas.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
The World’s Largest Bounce House Is In Texas Through Thanksgiving WeekendThe World’s Largest Bounce House Is In Texas Through Thanksgiving WeekendThe Big Bounce America, The Guinness-Certified ‘World’s Largest Bounce House’ is in Texas through Thanksgiving Weekend!Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Killeen Senior Citizens Can Enjoy Free Root Beer Floats This ThursdayKilleen Senior Citizens Can Enjoy Free Root Beer Floats This ThursdayDue to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the Killeen Senior Centers remain closed to the public but the they are still helping out seniors in our community who could use a treat.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC