Temple’s Pepper Creek Trail a Nice Place for Bluebonnet Pictures
Spring means Central Texas families are out looking for patches of bluebonnets where they can take family photos, and I have a recommendation.
First, let me say that it's always fun trying to explain this phenomenon to folks who aren't from Texas. We had a Microsoft Teams meeting at work today that looped in some people from the East Coast, and the look of puzzlement on their faces when I brought up bluebonnet season was priceless. I explained to them that this time of year, it's not uncommon to see caravans of family cars parked along the road with people piling out to get their family's bluebonnet pics.
Our State Flower is gorgeous, and just lifts everyone's mood, whether you're driving to work or hiking along your favorite trail.

I like to take my dog, Leela, to Pepper Creek Trail in Temple as often as I can. It's a beautiful place hidden away between North Kegley and Hilliard Road, and right now there's a patch of it filled with bluebonnets!
I was there Sunday afternoon and spotted the sea of blue buds just behind the Pepper Creek Trail Shelter next to the spillway.
I only snapped a couple of pictures, and they don't do it justice. I may stop by after work and get a few more to add here. Trust me, though: There were plenty of flowers. It was absolutely beautiful.
If you're a regular at the trail, you know it's a fantastic place to get your steps in and just de-stress. I recommend sitting on the bench next to the spillway and listening to the water falling, or seeing how much wildlife you can spot. I've seen plenty of deer and rabbits out there.
Wherever you go to get your family's bluebonnet pics, I hope you have a nice time, but there some things you should keep in mind:
-Don't stop for photos on the side of the highway, especially I-35 or I-14. That should go without saying, but every year I pass cars parked on the shoulder and see way too many close calls. There are plenty of bluebonnet patches out there.
-Never trespass on private property. If you're going to stop for pics in a beautiful blue field, make sure it's not someone's yard. Definitely don't go hopping fences or holding a strand of barbed wire up for your kids to squeeze through.
-Watch for snakes! It's getting warmer out there, and snakes are waking up. Tread carefully in tall grass and be on the lookout.
-Also watch for poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, cactus, and other not-so-cuddly plants that can leave your family itchy and miserable after getting your pics.
-Have fun! Come up with creative and fun poses for your pics and take lots of 'em.
-Leave the place as pretty as you found it and don't leave any trash lying around. It's the right thing to do, plus it leaves a nice setting for other families to get pics.
Finally, feel free to share your bluebonnet pics with us on social media or using our free app!
Spring in Texas! It's a great time to be alive.
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