Texas House Committee Assignments Announced For 88th Texas Legislature

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan on Wednesday released House member committee assignments for the 87th Legislature. Most representatives serve on either two or three committees. In addition to every committee having a Chairman, committees also have a Vice-Chairman named. While some Republican lawmakers pushed for no Democrat chair's, there were some Democrats appointed as Chairs.
Here's where area lawmakers in the Texas House were appointed to.
HD-83 State Rep. Dustin Burrows, of Lubbock, was reappointed Chairman of the Calendars Committee. The Calendars committee schedules when specific bills will be considered by the House members. This is considered one of the more powerful committees in the Texas House because members of this committee have discretion on when bills will be heard on the House floor. Burrows was also a seniority appointment to the Elections Committee and appointed to the Higher Education Committee.
Newly elected HD-84 State Representative Carl Tepper was appointed to the Appropriations Committee which will be chaired once again by Republican Greg Bonnen. Tepper will also serve on the Urban Affairs Committee.
State Rep. Stan Lambert of HD-71 was appointed to the Business and Industry Committee which will be chaired by Democrat State Rep. Oscar Longoria. Lambert will also serve as Vice Chair of the Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Committee.
State Rep. James Frank of HD-69 was appointed as Chairman of the Human Services Committee and was also appointed to the Defense and Veterans' Affairs Committee which is chaired by Republican State Rep. Terry Wilson.
You can see the full Texas House Committee Assignments here.