A Girls Guide to Surviving Nasty Weather
Don't straighten that hair girl, go straight out curly with it. It's just going to end up wet and curly anyway. The Snapchats I have seen today have me cracking up. Yes I feel you, my hair is in a pony tail and I have wet jeans because I was late putting my rain boots on.
- Always keep rain boots in your car. Who wants to walk around with wet Pants? YUCK!
- Make sure you have a towel in your car. You'll need to wipe your feet off before you slip back into cute shoes or heels. Sorry if you have a job that does not let you rock the rain boots all day long.
- Invest in an Umbrella. The good kind. One of the best gifts I ever received was an auto-open reverse umbrella. No more manual handling and getting drenched when entering or exiting your car. Buy it, you'll love it.
- Hair ties just in case your hair can't be tamed. I mean, if it's soaking wet and you don't have a hair dryer dandy, rock that pony tail!
- Extra socks. Seriously wet feet are the worst. The easiest way to ruin your day, have wet feet. All day long. Gross.
- Back up makeup kit. Just your basics. You don't want to look like Taylor Swift in her "Blank Space" music video.
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