City of Killeen Recruiting New Internet Service Providers
The City of Killeen is trying to raise the bar when it comes to internet service providers.
KXXV.com reports that the city is on the hunt to increase bandwidth and bring new internet service providers to Bell County all in the hopes to attract new businesses and to keep existing businesses happy.
John Crutchfield of the Greater Killeen Economic Council told KXXV, "Currently, we’re under the U.S. average in this part of the world and in Killeen, in particular, we want to raise the standard."
The news was part of an update from the Killeen Economic Development Council and was delivered during Tuesday's city council workshop. The city is currently talking to United Private Networks about working with Killeen ISD. Hope is that as word gets out more suppliers will throw their hat in the ring.
What do you think about your current internet service? Could Killeen use an upgrade? Let us know what you think.
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