Click It Texas! TxDot Encouraging Citizens To Check Car Seats
With a big state like Texas, there are many drivers on the roads at a time. It's an interesting thought that may pop up in our heads while sitting around at home, "there's a lot of drivers in Texas isn't there?" With this many drivers in the state, there's more chances for accidents as well.
TxDot has data listed online regarding accidents that occur in the Lone Star State. But it's not just adults harmed in these accidents. Young children are also at risk for being harmed in car accidents.
NHTSA Data Regarding Young Children In Car Seats
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's data revealed that many parents and others may not realize. According to the administration, 46% of all car seats are not used properly. This could lead to situations which would put said child in misused car seat in peril.

TxDot however is offered a service to anyone who is unsure that a car seat is properly set.
TxDot's #SaveMeASeat
Texans can go to savemeaseat.org to get help with making sure that car seats are good to go for any trips they go on. All Texans have to do is type in their zip code to find the nearest TxDOT Traffic Safety Specialist that will help them with any question regarding their car seat.
It's very important to remember that not only are that we are on the road, others are on the road as well. Drive safe Texas!
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