No Buttering Up Possible: Could Texas Face A Popcorn Shortage?
2022 continues to just be a weird year doesn't it? First we possibly faced a pizza shortage, and now this might happen? What is going on with the food silliness in Texas nowadays...
Next someone's going to tell me that Whataburger isn't the state's favorite fast food eatery...
Regardless of that thought, it looks like popcorn might be in short supply as more and more people go to the movies to get away from the Texas heat. According to KWTX, there are a multitude of factors that could be causing the shortage. The largest issue currently is that farmers simply aren't planting enough corn.
As corn isn't making very much money in terms of sales at the time of writing, there's not much of a reason to plant it. With less corn being harvested, there's less popcorn for us to eat, and let's be real, who wants to live in world without popcorn?
But it's not just a corn shortage that is affecting the issue. Theaters, KWTX reports, are also having trouble with even the necessary materials to make the popcorn bags! Getting lining for the bags seems to be a hassle as well.
Not only that, the glue that holds the boxes together is in short supply, and the oil that helps popcorn become popcorn itself is running out. I worry that maybe even butter will start to run out soon too.
Hopefully, this possible popcorn shortage isn't a thing that happens. What am I supposed to eat with my movies? A hot dog? That doesn't sound right at all...