Everything You Need To Know To Beat The Intense Texas Summer Heat
Texas is hot every summer, that is no surprise. After a very enjoyable spring and a month of May that only reached a high of 90 twice, summer decided to kick in right on time the second weekend of June.
You know, they say admitting you have a problem is half the battle. The other half is obviously then beating the issue. Sometimes that requires incredible mental fortitude. The great Hall Of Fame pitcher Satchel Page is credited with saying,
"Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
So, how do you beat the extreme heat in Texas?
My family adores going to the splash pads, and spending as much time as possible in water. Water is the most important thing when it comes to everything.
Yes, getting into water is nice and refreshing, but drinking as much water and staying hydrated is far more important. Think of your body like an air conditioner, if it runs out of fuel, it stops cooling. Water is our fuel.
Now, it's full blown summer and we have surpassed 100 degrees numerous times with no end in sight unless you want to look all the way to October. Before you get big mad, I am not speaking perpetual 100 plus degree days into existence, but we know if it is summer, anything is on the table.
What else can you do besides drink water?
Do as little as possible. After drinking water, avoiding exertion is the most important thing you can do in the heat. Find shade, move slowly, eat regularly, and if you know how, order up a cool breeze as often as possible.
Also, check on family, elderly, neighbors, and friends. We're all in this together.