You’ve Got To Try The Pork Chop Sandwich At Baby Ray’s In Kilgore, TX
On Highway 31 In Kilgore, You'll Find A Little Food Stop That Has Great Food You Have To Try!
Right across the street from the famous Country Tavern restaurant on Highway 31 where folks drive from miles around to enjoy their delicious ribs, if you take a look ACROSS THE STREET you'll notice another family owned restaurant that's serving up some delicious food as well.
Don't Follow The GPS, Just Stay On Highway 31 And You'll Find Baby Ray's
Baby Ray, the owner called me during my show one day and told me that I needed to come by and try one of their pork chop sandwiches. I told him that I would and on my way back from Longview, I put his address (1256 Old Hwy 31, Kilgore) into my GPS but it took me into a trailer park behind his location.
But all you have to do if you're coming from Tyler to find him is look to your RIGHT at the intersection of Highway 31 and OLD HIGHWAY 31 and you'll see their location.
Baby Ray's Food Corner and More is serving comfort food like pork chops, deep fried tacos, and authentic barbacoa.
After pulling in and meeting Baby Ray himself, he asked me what I wanted to try because they are well known for a lot of great food on their menu including their deep fried tacos which is something most folks rave about.
But I came for what HE told me about: The Pork Chop Sandwich.
I wanted what the OWNER recommended and that was this MASSIVE and delicious pork chop sandwich. I found my attempts to fit this huge chop between two slices of sandwich bread to be futile so I just it all like a savage and it was GREAT....even better with a side of hot sauce.
You can try Baby Ray's Food Corner And More for yourself at HALF-PRICE at Seize The Deal right now! Just CLICK HERE to get a $25 gift certificate to Baby Ray's for only $12.50 and you can try their delicious menu items for yourself!