Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Call it a sixth sense or whatever, but that feeling happened recently to some explorers in the Missouri Ozarks. They knew something had eyes on them, but were shocked to see one of their thermal cameras proved their instinct was right.

One of my favorite YouTube channels Sasquatch Theory has been in the Missouri Ozarks recently doing research into a possible active area for this mysterious creature. One of their theories was that a Bigfoot/Mo-Mo could be using caves inside of the bluffs near the river as a hideout.

Sasquatch Theory via YouTube
Sasquatch Theory via YouTube

Along the trail, they didn't find a sasquatch, but did run across a snake that was watching them closely.

Sasquatch Theory via YouTube
Sasquatch Theory via YouTube

Around 51 minutes into their expedition, they had a strange feeling they were being watched. That's when they turned their thermal imaging cameras on and saw this. It's something very large that was moving far away from them.

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Sasquatch Theory via YouTube
Sasquatch Theory via YouTube

It looks small, but is actually quite tall considering what his range finder was telling him was the distance from whatever that was.

The entire adventure is worth a watch if you enjoy theories and investigations into the possibility that a Bigfoot/Mo-Mo/Sasquatch calls Missouri home. Highly recommend you follow Sasquatch Theory on YouTube as they do a lot of research in the Show Me State.

Famous People Who Believe In Bigfoot

There are some famous people who believe in Bigfoot. Some of them even claim to have seen sasquatch in person.