Happy Birthday and thank you Google for being there those long nights in college, and answering every question I've ever had! I wish I could buy you a round since you're officially 21, but um...you're a computer.
Let the record show that I'm a proponent of the Second Amendment, but its stories like THIS that begs for some more gun control legislation to keep guns out of the hands of irresponsible idiots.
Nominate yourself or a special someone for our Cookie Addiction Birthday Cookie Giveaway. We're giving away a $15 gift card to Cookie Addiction every week!
What does a Hawaiian shirt, and Betty White have in common? Well it's Betty's birthday, and you'll have to watch the video to find out. Happy 93rd Birthday Betty!
A five-year-old boy in the UK who missed a friend's birthday party to spend time with his grandparents received a "no-show" invoice of almost $25 from the friend's parent, who's threatened legal action.