Jake Owen's spoof song "Where the F**k Did I Park My Truck?" There are a lot of country songs about trucks, but this country song is one that many of us can relate to.
"Shoot Me Straight" pokes fun at bro-country clichés like artists playing their guitars in fields surrounded by Daisy Duke'd women on big rigged up trucks.
First things first I want to say I love my Grandmother. She is one of the strongest and most loving women that I have ever had the opportunity to be around. One of the fondest memories of my childhood is the games of cards that we played on a nightly basis.
Everyone loves 'Dad' jokes. These are the jokes everyone rolls their eyes at but they're memorable and make you chuckle because they're so bad.
A Texas couple with a YouTube series called the "Toni and Jesse Show" has made almost 7 million people laugh on Distractify with their video staged at H-E-B called Dad Jokes and Grocery Shopping...