If there is a National Single Awareness Day I think we should truly celebrate it. Here are some changes I would like to see in order to truly admire and appreciate the day.
I'll keep the Phung mentality going. This is what makes me look forward to Valentine's Day. So to my single friends out there, make plans with your fellow single friends. I promise it makes "the day of love" enjoyable. Now if only we could find a way to automatically block the annoying "OMG look at what my baby bought me!" posts.
If you’re single like me, Valentine’s Day might have you feeling lonely and blue. Well, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are a few things us single people can do to have a great Valentine’s Day.
Have A Singles Night Out
Chances are you’ve got some friends who are just as lonely as you...
Life is hard. And as a public service I, the Big Q, have been asked to do my share and help a listener out. I should say first and foremost, the opinions expressed are mine and not necessarily those of this station and/or it's advertisers. Listen on at your own risk. Today’s Title…One more to the List.