If you're anything like me when we were freezing our butts off back in February, you were thinking, 'At least the mosquitos won't survive this.' Well guess what? We were wrong.
Was last year's winter in Central Texas a little too cold for your liking? Tough luck, because the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (i.e. the government's weather guys) just released its predictions for the 2014-15 winter, and it looks like it's going to be a cold and wet one.
According to the National Weather Service, there’s a good chance we’ll see some sleet and possibly some snow tonight. You know what that means: The end of the world.
Okay, so that's a little melodramatic, but temperatures could dip as low as 22 degrees in areas of central Texas, and the national weather service expects a sleet/snow mix to fall...
I'm used to it by now. From wearing socks on my hands as a kid playing in the snow, to using CD cases to clear ice off the windshield, when winter weather isn't a part of your normal, everyday life, you're forced to by innovative.