New Plan Announced For Massive Ice Storm Damage In Temple, Texas
The big 3 day ice storm that began on January 31st is still causing issues in the Temple, Texas area. If you look at the calendar, you'll see that the storm began 7 weeks ago, and a lot of debris still remains. So, the city of Temple will be trying a new $400,000 plan.
Why is there a new plan?
Justin Brantley, Director of Solid Waste for the City of Temple, says the big ice storm caused trash removal teams to become overwhelmed, and that's after already removing an estimated 270,000 cubic yards of brush.
Since the team is attempting to pull double duty with normal trash pick up, and now yard debris, it is more than the city's staff can handle. To get caught up on the brush removal, the City of Temple has contracted with a team that specializes in storm damage recovery, D&J Enterprises, Inc.
Who is D&J Enterprises, Inc?
They are a contractor company that specialize in storm damage recovery among other services. They're based out of the same town as the soon to open Chicken Salad Chick franchises, Auburn, AL. Hopefully the new restaurants open before their work is finished, it will probably be like getting a home cooked meal.
When will my debris be collected?
D&J crews will work west to east to pick up the remaining brush beginning today. There are 2 things that are very important in getting your debris removed.
The first is make sure your brush is separate from the rest of your trash. If you have bulk items to toss, they can't be mixed with the yard debris. It is your responsibility to have everything in 2 different piles.
Also, the storm debris removal will now be happening from 7a-7p Monday through Friday until the job is complete. With the 7 day removal happening, you're asked to please make sure access to the brush and yard debris is always available because you never know when the D&J Enterprises team will be in your neighborhood with heavy equipment.
What happens with the storm debris?
According to this article with KCEN-TV, the D&J Enterprises services provide for the grinding of the brush, which will be utilized by Waste Management as groundcover for the City’s landfill.
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