Oh No! Texas Pre-K Student Found a Mile Away From Alvin, Texas School
The community of Alvin, Texas (just outside of Houston) had a scare recently when a small child was able to just wander away from their school without raising any red flags.
According to WSAZ, a 4-year-old boy by the name of Carter was allowed to just walk away from the school unaccompanied back on October 27. It seems that Carter - a bug rider with a bus rider tag on his backpack - wound up in the line with kids who walk home.
Carter reportedly made it to a business park before another mom spotted him, and police escorted him safely back to school. Thank goodness it was another mom and not some monster, right?

Carter's mom says she was told that a staffing shortage led to the dismissal mishap. The school sent a letter home saying they would review their safety protocols, and they'd already taken steps to address issues.
Mama says she understands that mistakes happen, but that a simple mistake almost cost her a child. She's also hoping to find the awesome mom who helped her son in his time of need.
Every day, we trust our children in the hands of teachers and other school employees. While most do an awesome job, this story demonstrates that mistakes happen and kids can fall through the cracks.
Obviously the system isn't perfect.
With that in mind, talk to your kids and make sure they know exactly where they're supposed to go and be after school. Teach them that it's ok to speak up if they get the feeling something is wrong, and talk them about who they should or shouldn't talk to when looking for help.
This story had a happy ending of a child and mother reunited, but things could easily have been much worse.
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