Free Food Distribution in Temple October 17
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its lingering negative effects on the economy, many Central Texans are facing food insecurity.
We know our fellow Texans are hard working people who take pride in what they do, and accepting help can sometimes be difficult. However, organizations like the Central Texas Food Bank are there to give you the helping hand you need while you work to get back on your feet.
They'll be at Temple College, 2600 S. 1st Street, on Saturday, October 17 from 9 AM to 11 AM distributing food packages at a drive-thru event. All you need to do is pull up, pop the trunk, and let them load it up. You'll receive anywhere from 44 to 76 pounds of food, depending on available supplies. Everything should be contactless, as they have COVID-19 safety in mind at these events. If you plan to get out and interact with anyone for some reason, please be courteous and wear a face covering.
This event is for people who are in real need of help, so please only attend if that applies to you or you're picking up for someone in need who can't attend in person.
If you can't make it out that Saturday, head over to centraltexasfoodbank.org and click "Find Food Now" to see distribution sites near you, then give them a call confirm their hours. You can also call 2-1-1 for information.
Their website is also a great place to donate money to the cause if you're so inclined. It's used to purchase meals and supplies for our neighbors in need. You can also find information on how to donate your time by volunteering with the Central Texas Food Bank.
Thanks to everyone who's volunteered their time in recent months, whether it's been with the Central Texas Food Bank or any other organization out there helping Texans while the economy recovers. You are absolute rock stars.

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