Frozen Chicken Wings Exported To China Test Positive For COVID-19
Frozen chicken wings that were exported to China from Brazil tested positive for COVID-19.
News 10 shared a report from CNN stating the virus was detected on a sample during food screenings.
Health officials who came in contact with the product ended up testing positive for the coronavirus. No word from officials on the brand of chicken product.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there's no evidence of eating or handling food has been known to transmit the virus.
The CDC has stated, “Coronaviruses, like the one that causes COVID-19, are thought to spread mostly person-to-person through respiratory droplets when someone coughs, sneezes, or talks."
They have stated that it could be possible to get COVID-19 from surfaces and objects, but they don't feel like this is a main way the virus spreads.
It's like we learn something new everyday about this virus, and it's pretty scary at times. Hopefully they get to the bottom of what happened to the people who came in contact with this food.
Stay safe out there, folks. Wash your hands, avoid touching your face, and mask up. We've got to slow the spread of this thing.