Harker Heights, Texas Single Mother Is Asking For Help Honoring Her Son
In my opinion, there’s nothing stronger than a mother who loves her child, especially a single mother. Not to take away from those families with a two-parent household. I just know you have to be a very strong individual with plenty of patience and a whole lot of prayer to raise a child on your own. Brittney Robinson is a single mother of three living in Harker Heights, Texas, and she's asking for a little help from the community.
Brittney should give herself a round of applause and most definitely a pat on the back because, her oldest is about to graduate from Marine boot camp. This woman made sure that her child not only got his education, but embarked upon a fulfilling career serving our country. I don’t know about you, but it sounds like an honor to me.

Brittney is asking for Central Texas to assist her with a huge favor. She's trying to raise enough funds to be there in person when her son, Jeffery, graduates.
Now again, from the age of 16 she has been raising her children by herself, not asking for a helping hand just doing what she needed to do to make sure her children were healthy and never wanted for anything.
I think the fact that she is asking Central Texas to help her and her two other children go see her child graduate from military boot camp is not a lot to ask from our community.
From my understanding, Jeffrey is in California where the graduation will take place, and her child means everything to her like any other parent. She would do anything for her baby.
Central Texas, Brittney is in need of $3500 and has started a GoFundMe campaign to raise the money. I feel that if all of Central Texas chipped in it could be just a dollar, that would at least get her closer to her goal.
Jeffrey has a little sister by the name of Desiree who is also missing her brother, and a brother by the name of Jacoby who has the same feelings. They just want to be at a monumental event with their brother and reunite with him at a proper celebration.
Central Texas, let’s help the Robinson family gets to see Jeffrey graduate! I want pictures too Brittney, once you get there!
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