Local School Districts to Drug Test Students
Amarillo previously made national headlines when their school district, Bushland ISD, announced that they would begin testing students for alcohol and substance abuse. Despite the initial uproar, it seems that other school districts are jumping on board.
Now, local schools in the central Texas area are following suit by requiring students to be drug tested in order to participate in extra-curricular activities.
Random drug tests will be given to students in grades 7-12 in Belton, Killeen, Temple, and Midway ISD.
At Midway ISD you will also need to participate in drug testing in order to obtain a permit to park on the campus.
According to reports, positive drug tests will result in serious repercussions such as escalating suspensions for extra-curricular activities, as well as further mandatory testing and counseling throughout the school year.
Currently, Waco ISD is not participating in random drug testing.
Do you believe that more school districts should begin drug testing students? Should teachers and staff be tested as frequently as students? Let us know by commenting below.