Men Run from Texas DPS Traffic Stop, Leaving Woman Behind
How many people were in there, it looks like a clown car!
In a shocking turn of events, several men ran from a Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) traffic stop, leaving a woman behind.

The video below opens with a Texas DPS truck pulling over a pickup truck at a gas station. As soon as the vehicle comes to a complete stop, men start piling out and running off into the distance.
What happened to ladies first?
After about four to five dudes jump out, a lady falls out of the vehicle, trips and lands on the ground on all fours. Not a single one of these rascals helps her up. In fact, one guy trips over her and sends her to the ground again as he sprints for the hills.
At least they caught one
A cop emerges from the gas station, and I believe he's waving at the lady on the ground, encouraging her to stay right where she is, and she does.
The end
That's it, that's the video. Check it out for yourself below and keep scrolling for Twitter comments.