Non-profit organization Soldiers Hospitality House invites you to 'Movie On The Lawn'
Saturday, August 22. It's your chance to join in on a night of family fun beginning at 8 p.m.
The favored pick of the week 'Lego Movie 2' will show.
The entire family is invited out to enjoy snacks, fellowship, and fun.
The hospitality house is a ministry of Cadence International, providing a home away from home for the Fort Hood military community. The non-profit is all about creating memories with those who may or may not have family near. If you're in the armed service or a spouse of someone who is, this is the perfect group to join.
3950 Chaparral Rd
Killeen, TX
 For more details call (801) 663-3799.

To stay on top of future events hosted by the Soldiers Hospitality House, visit their Facebook page.

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