Smoke From Fire At McGregor Roofing Plant Could Be Seen 45 Miles Away
Central Texas residents could see the huge plumes of smoke from as far as 45 miles away Tuesday afternoon as the McGregor Roofing Materials Plant was engulfed in flames.
KWTX reports that the fire started around 1:45pm Tuesday and burned well into the night. As many as twelve individuals were evacuated as firefighters arrived. Jeffrey Mincy, EMS Director/Chief Paramedic with Coryell Memorial Healthcare System EMS, told KWTX the fire was under control late last night, but that crews would continue to stay on site to protect the rest of the area.
Units responding to the fire included volunteer firefighters from McGregor, Coryell City, Oglsby, and Gatesville. Firefighters from Waco also joined in the effort.
Work is underway now by the Texas Commission On Environmental Quality to determine the effect of smoke from the roofing materials and it's impact on the area.