U.S. 87, ET Highway? Roswell Has Nothing On San Angelo
Around the world, people have been seeing strange lights in the sky. Even before the Wright Brothers made their first historic flight, people in all cultures have experienced things flying around at night that no one can identify. San Angelo is certainly no exception.
In fact, one of history's most baffling clusters of UFO occurred here in 2012-2014. Though not the first encounters, this cluster of sighting along and near Highway 87 could have gotten the road designated as an "Exterrestrial Highway".
One of the many encounters was witnessed by Angela and her family. People are reluctant to give their full names in some of these reports as they feared being labelled as "crazy"
Angela and her family say they came across two bright lights while driving down the highway. The website oddencounters.com picked up her story.

"We noticed two bright, white lights, shaped like a circle. If they weren't so low, I would have passed them off as stars, but they were lower and brighter than stars," She told the paranormal website. "I noticed them hovering in the sky and not moving."
On Saturday, January 4, 2014 around 6:30am, Jay M. told Odd Encounters that he saw lights on his morning trek on Highway 87. He was on his way to Eden and said he noticed the lights as he was passing the sign to turn off for Wall. The bright light in the sky in this report, just "flickered off".
Another sighting was reported by Greg M. on February 5, 2014 around 8pm. Greg was driving along Highway 87 with his fiancé, when they noticed a two large lights hovering over the O.C. Fisher Dam. The objects were "eerily silent"
Mufon otherwise known as the Mutural UFO Network has many sightings for San Angelo going back to 1953, just a few years after the notorious Roswell crash. Oddly enough those 1953 sightings were dismissed, just like the ones in Roswell as vapor trails, meteorites or weather balloons.
Some of the most notorious sighting from MUFON include a May 6, 1974 sighting of what was described as a pink saucer with antenna on top hovering over a power line in the 2700 block of Rio Grande.
In November 1980, an air traffic controller at Mathis Field received a report that a pilot saw a long, elliptical-shaped object "with a pointed nose and pointed tail" that glowed bright white after he took off from the Ozona Airport. The object shot by his jright side, and his engine began to cough and sputter for a few seconds. Then the object split into two and flew parallel with each other along the ground from Ozona to Sonora. Several others also witnessed the event on the ground.
Texas is the #4 state for most UFO sightings. It is no surprise that San Angelo is high on the list. The good news, if there is any in this situation, I couldn't find any reports of alien abductions in San Angelo. Of course that doesn't mean there haven't been any. There are just no reports.
Just in case, it might be a good idea to put a surveillance camera in your house to look for odd occurrences.
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