Driver Found Dead Inside 18-Wheeler After Crashing Into Waco Gas Station
NEWS 10 reports that an 18-wheeler crashed into two gas pumps at a Cefco gas station off I-35 in Waco early this morning. Once the fire was put out, authorities found the driver's body inside the cab.
The crash happened at the Cefco at 1620 South 18th Street. The 18-wheeler was headed northbound when it exited on the access road, struck a pole and the gas pumps, then burst into flames.
The investigation into the crash is still ongoing, so if you are traveling in this area of Waco be prepared for detours. Crews cut the electric service to the gas station and the Budget Inn next door just to play it safe. Lane closures still in place at midday effect the intersection of South 18th and I-35. A hazmat team is cleaning up the mess.
According to police, the truck was carrying a load of flat-screen televisions.