The law firm of Gravely and Pearson will present a check for $1 million to West ISD next week to benefit the school system's extracurricular activities.
Investigators announced Wednesday that the fire that ultimately led to the explosion of the West Fertilizer plant was "incendiary in nature" and a criminal act.
One year after the West Fertilizer Plant explosion, KWTX-TV will air a documentary chronicling the blast and the ongoing recovery efforts.
“After West, Forever Forward” will premiere Thursday at 6 p.m. with limited commercial interruption. The film will be narrated by survivors, family members of those lost, first responders, volunteers and elected officials impacted by the explosion that killed 1
The Chemical Safety Board has conducted an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the West Fertilizer Plant and is now recommending new regulations to prevent future tragedies.
At a Thursday afternoon news conference, State Fire Marshal Chris Connealy said that officials are ruling the cause of the fire that triggered the April 17 explosion of the West Fertilizer Plant “undetermined”.
Because multiple causes could not be confirmed or eliminated, investigators could offer no clear picture of what happened to trigger the two nearly simultaneous explosions that caused betwe
Ahead of a Thursday afternoon news conference in West, the Dallas Morning News reported Thursday that State Fire Marshal and ATF officials investigating the cause of the April 17 explosion of the West Fertilizer Plant have found 3 possible causes...
Texas Governor Rick Perry is demanding an apology from California newspaper Sacramento Bee after the newspaper ran an editorial cartoon about the West plant explosion on the day of the West memorial.
"The Sacramento Bee published a disgusting 'cartoon' mocking the deadly explosion in West...
US105 debuted this song on Wednesday and we've had lots of requests to hear more of it. Here is Rushing Steele's tribute to West, Texas, "How West Was One."