VFW Post 9191 In Killeen Seeking Volunteers For Post Beautification
Recently, we shared a post about the Top Places To Find A Sugar Daddy/Cougar in Killeen & Temple and even though a few folks didn't catch the joke and were offended a lot of yall did get that it was all in good fun. Especially since the writer of that article and THIS one is a VETERAN and a lot of the answers on that post came from fellow military vets.
One of the places a lot of you told me was any VFW Post location. As you know, we have a lot of VFW Posts in our area including VFW Post 9191 in Killeen and if you don't know by now, we've always supported the great work Post 9191 and others are doing in our community for our vets. Now they are asking for YOUR help!
They are seeking volunteers to help with post beautification. If you have any sort of "home improvement" skills and have some free time, contact Post Commander Lee Ann Davis and help out if you can! VFW Post 9191 is located at 3307 Zephyr Road in Killeen and you can email Commander Davis at leeannaddavis@gmail.com.