With Mom Training at Ft. Hood, This 4th Grader Got the Ride of His Life on First Day of School
A sad story had a happy ending earlier this week as children prepared to go back to school. Hunter Carlson, a 4th grader at Saigling Elementary in Plano, Texas, was distraught and in tears because his mother was at Fort Hood on training for the National Guard. His mom, Tiffani Carlson, was also sad she was going to miss her son's first day of school. So the Plano Police Department filled in for her.
"She's never been gone this long," said Hunter who was in tears on the morning of his first day of school.
His mother was also having a difficult time away from her son:
It was awful. I woke up this morning knowing it was gonna be a rough morning for me. I've already been kind of teary-eyed on and off.
So Police Chief Greg Rushin answered the call.
Nothing can replace your mother on your first day of school," said Rushin. "But we certainly want to help as much as we could."
Hunter got to go to school in style as he rolled up in a police vehicle, talking shop with Plano police. Did we mention that Hunter's dream is to become a police officer!?
Just another great example of police doign right by their community - no matter how small the situation seems.