Rainwater Collection Workshop in Harker Heights
The Harker Heights Parks & Recreation Department will be hosting a workshop on rainwater harvesting presented by the Bell County Master Gardeners on Saturday, February 17 at the Harker Heights Activities Center, 400 Indian Trail from 9:30am-12:00pm.
Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting rainwater and storing it for later use. This class will teach participants how to collect rainwater for re-usage. This is a hands on workshop, and participants will leave with a rain barrel that they construct that day.
The cost for the workshop is $60.00 per barrel, which is just to cover the materials. All materials needed will be supplied by the Bell County Master Gardeners.
Additionally, the class will cover the benefits and uses of rainwater, methods of harvesting, rain storage options, and optimizing the use of rainwater.
This class is open to public. However it is limited to 20 participants.
Registration and payment is required prior to February 17, 2017. For more information call 254-953-5466, email devans@ci.haker-heights.tx.us, or visit www.ci.harker-heights.tx.us/parks.
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