Grant Funds Are Still Available for Small Businesses in Temple
Your small business is vital not only to the Temple economy, but to the city's character and heritage. If you're struggling right now, please consider applying for relief funds being offered to help preserve the business you've devoted so much time and effort to.
Back in late August, the City of Temple announced that coronavirus emergency relief grants of up to $5,000 were being offered through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant. The Temple Chamber of Commerce and the United Way of Central Texas teamed up to get those funds to local businesses in need.
Today (Sep. 25), they announced that the application window has been extended, so if you haven't applied yet, you still have time.
The grants are for businesses with up to 50 full-time equivalent employees at the time of application; or, if you're a low-to-moderate income business owner with up to five full-time equivalent employees.
Grants typically go on a first come, first served basis, so head over to uwct.org to find applications online. You can also call 2-1-1 to inquire about relief funds and other programs available for small business owners during the ongoing pandemic. You can also find gran opportunities using the U.S. Small Business Administration's website.
Like I said up above, your small business helps give Temple character and unique customer and community experiences. If your business could use a boost right now, I really hope you'll consider applying. We need you to stick around.

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