Lone Star Pin-up in Temple is Vintage Beauty at Its Finest
We're always on the lookout for beauty in all shapes and sizes - especially here in Central Texas. So when I came across Lone Star Pin-up located in Temple, I made it a mission to share some of their art and to dive a little deeper into the mind of founder and photographer, Erin Shephard.
Shephard originally worked in graphic design and photo retouching before she began photography as a hobby. She founded Lone Star Pin-up in 2008 as a creative outlet to share her love of retro and all things pin-up. Little did she know it would catch on with many in Central Texas.
We love making women feel glamorous and beautiful!
Her work at Lone Star Pin-up is exclusive to vintage styles from the 1920's to the 1960's.
I asked Erin what kind of interactions with her clients resonate with her most:
The biggest impact comes after the photo shoot when we review images. It's such a different look for most women that they are usually shocked, and some even cry. We love making women feel glamorous and beautiful!
Check out more photos Lone Star Pin-up has done lately in the gallery above. if you (or your husband!) is sold, you can check out Lone Star Pin-up's website for booking inquiries or check them out at 618 North Main Street in Temple, TX.