North Pea Ridge Road in Temple Will Be Temporarily Closed
Next Friday the 13th may be your unlucky day if you live or commute in the vicinity of North Pea Ridge Road in Temple.
According to a press release from the City of Temple, North Pea Ridge Road in Temple will be temporarily closed on March 13th from 9 AM to 2:15 PM.
The street will be undergoing construction to connect the city's water infrastructure so that water may be provided to people living west of North Pea Ridge Road.
Once construction is complete, North Pea Ridge Road will be re-opened. The closure will occur between Stone Hollow Road and Alabama Avenue. If your child attends Tarver Elementary School, you may want to re-think your usual route. Keep an eye out for workers and equipment, and, as always, obey all traffic signs whether they're permanent or temporary.

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