A block party for the homeless and less fortunate of Central Texas is planned for north Killeen Saturday. In these tough times, plenty of people can use help.
While you have your nose to the grind trying to make ends meet, a man in Abilene is sitting in a wheelchair two days a week making close to one thousand dollars. To make matters worse, the guy isn’t homeless and he doesn’t even need a wheelchair.
The ongoing debate on what should be done with the homeless problem in Killeen was again the topic of discussion at a meeting of the Killeen City Council on Tuesday.
The closing of the Families In Crisis homeless shelter in Killeen has become a hot topic in the city recently and the city council voted on Tuesday to allow the city manager to explore options that would help fund the shelter.
It's been more than two weeks since the Friends In Crisis homeless shelter in Killeen closed, and some wonder if the City of Killeen should get involved.
You can't call yourself a true "Texan" without having stopped through Whataburger. I am a fan of The "Texas Treasure" myself, so when I saw their Snapchat contest giving away "Free Whataburger For a Decade" I wanted IN on the fun, but unfortunately, like a lot of you, I didn't win, but one lucky man out of Houston did, and he's doing something AMAZING with his winning