If Your Power Bill In Texas Is Higher Due To Winter, Try These 9 Things To Lower ItIf Your Power Bill In Texas Is Higher Due To Winter, Try These 9 Things To Lower ItSome of our wallets are hurting that's for sure.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
How Bad Are Texas Winter Blackouts Compared To Other States In Nation?How Bad Are Texas Winter Blackouts Compared To Other States In Nation?If you're worried about winter blackouts in Texas, you might have good reason to do so.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Will The Power Stay On In Texas During This Winter Blast?Will The Power Stay On In Texas During This Winter Blast?The last time we saw temperatures this low across the state, we lost heat. Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
Her August Power Bill Was Only $111, Yet Her September Bill Jumped to $731 With Seemingly No Reason. What Happened to This Killeen, Texas Resident?Her August Power Bill Was Only $111, Yet Her September Bill Jumped to $731 With Seemingly No Reason. What Happened to This Killeen, Texas Resident?For one woman in the state of Texas, her power bills reached extreme prices. But what exactly caused it?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
These Are The Nine Items Raising Your Electric Bill In TexasThese Are The Nine Items Raising Your Electric Bill In TexasWe're all tired of high electric bills in the Lone Star State. But what are the main causes of high bills?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Texas Child And Grandmother, Placed In Hospital Due To Downed Power LineTexas Child And Grandmother, Placed In Hospital Due To Downed Power LineA grandmother and child in Texas suffered injuries due to a downed power line. Here's what is known at the time of writing.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Could A New Rule Connect The Texas Power Grid To Others In The Nation?Could A New Rule Connect The Texas Power Grid To Others In The Nation?The Texas power grid, when weather gets tough in the state, worries many individuals. But could a potential new rule alleviate the issues?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Solar Energy is Saving Texas’ Power Grid’s ButtSolar Energy is Saving Texas’ Power Grid’s Butt As the Lone Star State battles a deadly, record-breaking heatwave, guess who comes to the rescue? That's right, our savior: solar power! Eric RyanEric Ryan
Slithery Situation, One Animal Knocks Out Power For Austin, TexasSlithery Situation, One Animal Knocks Out Power For Austin, TexasWe still can't believe this happened either.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
You Should Ease Off The Light Usage Through June 15th In Texas, But Why?You Should Ease Off The Light Usage Through June 15th In Texas, But Why?Wait, using less lighting? Is the power grid in trouble again?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise