Traffic Accidents Slowing Local Highways Tuesday Afternoon
Two cases of flipped trucks along local highways had traffic moving at a crawl Tuesday afternoon.
The image above was taken shortly after 4 PM from the southbound I-35 access road just north of Horny Toad Harley-Davidson in Belton and the 6th Avenue exit. Police, fire, and emergency medical personnel were at the scene.
The image below was taken by one of our sales staff as she was headed West along US 190. She said it appeared a truck had flipped near the intersection of 190 and Loop 121.
TxDOT's Jodi Wheatley issued the following news release at 4:57 PM Tuesday:
In addition to the two southbound crashes on I-35 between Belton and Temple (which have pretty much blended together now into one LONG stackup), there is a westbound crash on I-14/US 190 just west of the I-35/I-14 interchange. Traffic there is backed up about a mile.
We have no information on estimated clearing for any of these three crashes, so alternate routes are advised if your afternoon commute includes those areas.
Roads in Central Texas are slick after today's rain, and there's always the possibility that some drivers may be intoxicated, especially given that it's a holiday. Please be careful out there and get home safe. Give cars in front of you plenty of room, and stick to the speed limit. Nothing is worth being injured or killed in accidents like these.
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